Big Water Films


This year Big Water Film Festival was in Ashland, Wisconsin and Bayfield Wisconsin from November 4-6. With this movie festival there were many directors of movies. I unfortunately didn’t get to attend the event due to being out of town. I did by chance get my hands on a few of the films that were made and enjoyed them thoroughly.

ows_139338629539313Out of all the movies I had the opportunity to watch my favorite was Seedlings. It is a little biased because my friend Meg made the film which increased my curiosity in watching the film. Also I am a huge fan of Wild Rice It is one of my favorite foods so getting the opportunity to learn a little about the culture of how much of a process it is to make was interesting.


One thing I found interesting is how in this they explain how helpful ricing is to the community, as they take the rice they are also giving to family’s, relatives, clans and ceremonial families which I think is something that doesn’t happen often enough in the world.


With this film you also get a inside look of how the community has passed down and continued its way of processing Wild Rice. It is a family task and is passed down through generations. I am thankful I had the opportunity to watch this short film.





Three Media Practitioners


Ai Weiwei is an artist from China who is known for helping build the “birds Nest” in china for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. When he is not creating beautiful and different pieces of art he is helping the Chinese people rise up against the government with one of his famous picture/quotes “Fuck You Motherland”. What you might not know about him is that he is a political activist who is always challenging the Chinese government to change its ways and to treat the Chinese people better and give them more freedoms. Ai Weiwei stands for a movement for the Chinese people and is admired by millions of people in the world. He is constantly hassled by the Chinese government being arrested multiple times, assaulted and even has his hotel rooms and house bugged all in the name of his people he is an amazing individual willing to put his life on the line for something he believes in.


Andy Carvin is a Social media mogul. He is also the Author of an amazing book Distant Witness check it out if you get a chance. Andy Carvin and his team of reporters at reportedly give you first hand reports of situations happening in the world using twitter. This is an amazing way to get news to their followers but not always the easiest. Andy and his team have to investigate stories as fast as possible dig through the fake and to get to the truth using followers and people who are on the seen using twitter. Andy Carvin is also not afraid to make mistakes like most people in the world if something that is tweeted is false he will not delete the tweet he will simply fix the tweet with the right material and re submit the tweet with an apology on the mistake, hey were all human we all make mistakes. He also does a majority of his work from home which is not like most reporters he has helped change the way news is brought to the people and is a entrepreneur inspiration.


Jules Rochielle is an artist and creative director of NuLawLab. Jules is an amazing individual who seems to be always busy, she often is working on many projects at once while creating art work that helps change the world that she often doesn’t always call art. I am referring to her project in 2012/2013 called the Story Circle. It was a public Art project for Garfield elementary for kids, working with the community she designed and hired people to create this art and place for kids. Jules is always working and helping to change the world in many ways.

I am choosing an article for Ai Weiwei that I think is pretty cool that are class may not know about. In 2017 Ai Weiwei will be publishing a memoir on the 100 years of cultural history of China through Ai Weiwei and his father’s life. I figured this was a good article to pick because it kind of goes a long with the movie never sorry because in the film it displays Ai Weiwei’s life from youth to where he has become and also gives a brief introduction on his father and how he impacted China at the time. This also caught my eye because it is something I would like to read when it comes out. “Ai Weiwei to publish memoir in 2017”, from The New York Times online and was published on October 14 2015.


                    It is tough to find an article about Andy Carvin that we haven’t covered in class or that he talked to us about in class on our Skype call. But during the Skype call Andy did mention about the workings of working with EBay founder Pierre Omidyar on opening up a new way of Journalism, so this article I think is quite fitting. This article first touches on how Andy Carvin has embraced Social media and Twitter for news coverage, this is a new type of informing the world of the news and will be a big change for some news broadcasters. This article also explains the plans to create this new way of providing news and has some great quotes of Carvins excitement on starting this production. “Andy Carvin a pioneer in using twitter for real time journalism, joins Omidyars first look media”, is an article by Gigaom Research published Feb, 4 2014.

Ai Weiwei uses social media uniquely by showcasing his art and also filming and tweeting about things happening in his life. Ai Weiwei shows the social issues in China through Social media often tweeting and fighting back against the government. This also gives him the risk of having his computers and social contacting devices taken, stolen or seized by the Chinese government.

a recent retweet from Ai Weiwei

A recent retweet from Ai Weiwei

Andy Carvin uses social media uniquely for the sole purpose of providing Social media coverage for his followers. Andy covers up to date media coverage through twitter not the standard type of media coverage and does not work for a news company, he was one of the starters of tweeting news. Having to find the right stories and truth of stories makes it tougher then regular media stories because it is done all through Social media tools like twitter. Another unique thing about Carvin and what he does with social media is that Carvin didn’t go to school to become a reporter and is now thriving at doing so.

Jules Rochielle  uses social Media uniquely to gather people together for art collaborations and work on many of her projects. The unique part is Jules uses social media for the many things she runs. Without social media I think it would be nearly impossible to work on so many projects. She also is the producer of Span which is a media resource for individuals.


I believe all three of these unique people are similar by there caring in helping to make a better world and the ability to inform the world while helping change it. Each person has a strong care for helping make the world better either by challenging the government to change for the people, informing people about what’s going on in different parts of the world that you may have no idea about or by helping create wonderful pieces of art to help communities come together. Another similarity is all three of these people are artists in there own way, each person may be a different type of artist but they are unique and similar in the way that they have all started a movement.


These artist are different in a few ways. One would be that they have different styles and methods of using Social media. Andy Carvin uses Social media to inform people about things going on, Jules uses Social media to connect people and create art, Ai Weiwei uses Social media to influence his followers to rise up and challenge the government. I think its tough to compare there differences because they are all helping to change the world.

I think Story Circle and Transforma pilot: Plessy park were two influential outstanding events Jules Rochielle has been apart of. Each one of these events took lots of planning and influence to get community’s to get together. They were both successes and very cool pieces of art, that had there own intentions to help kids. Its not easy choosing two things from Jules Rochielle because she has been an influence on many amazing projects. With these two projects it brings kids together, with our youth being the future I think this is very important.



Story Circle


I think one of the most outstanding events Ai Weiwei has been involved in would be his remembering work. Ai Weiwei did a wonderful piece on a wall in China with backpacks of all the kids that lost there lives in the Chinese earthquake, but the artwork isn’t why I think this is one of his most outstanding events. Its the before hand investigation by Ai Weiwei on the school building and construction of the buildings challenging the government that they were at fault for these children’s lost lives to own up to it and release all of the children’s names that had died on this awful day. Ai Weiwei investigated and found out the children’s names then made an amazing piece of artwork for these children so that we will always “Remember”.


Another Outstanding event Ai Weiwei was involved in would be the Beijing birds nest he helped design. It was a beautiful piece of art that he helped build in China, I think this brought curiosity to who is this guy It helped people outside of China look into his life after words and see some of the issues he was standing against in China.

One of the most outstanding pieces of work Andy Carvin has done is Arab Spring. Covering such intense Social/rights movement was truly amazing, being able to capture so much of what was going on in parts of the world you don’t often hear about and caring about it enough to report it is something that I feel the United States doesn’t get enough of. Andy catches the heart and spirit of the movement in Arab Spring and the book has so much detail it paints a picture in your head of what was truly going on.


Another influential thing I think Andy Carvin has done was taking the time to interview with our class last week. Andy Carvin is a big deal and the fact that he took the time out of his day to Skype the class was extremely impressive to me. It was also pretty interesting to me to see how he could do a majority of his work from home while still maintain his family life, this was pretty influential in my eyes and was glad I was able to be apart of it.

I think one interest or aspect of in an individual I would choose to use in my work would have to be Ai Weiwei. I could use this in my everyday life or even in the future, Ai Weiwei is extremely passionate about what he does in his works, beliefs and stands up for what is right. I think if I put in as much energy and passion into some of the things I do in my everyday life I would be a lot more successful in everything I do. That would be the one thing I would embrace from learning so much about Ai Weiwei and would use in my future.

Blog Review

Darius Cole


Ice Coled News I started my blog strictly for the purpose of informing my users and followers about the world of hockey. Being such a broad topic I tried to narrow my first few blogs to the things I had been apart with in hockey the struggles, the good times and amazing joy the game had brought to me. I then opened it up two some films for my viewers to watch that they may enjoy and then branched out to some superstar players that have beat out old father time and have lasted some of the longest and greatest careers the game has ever seen. I felt this was a good blog to start because I have played the game for 20 years and have a lot to share about the many aspects of hockey, there is a lot about the game that many people don’t know about and I felt I could bring my viewers closer to the game that has been such a big part of my life.

I started out my blog to have the style of in your face to where you got the overall perspective of the hockey lifestyle and mentality that hockey brings from an inside view, through my own eyes for people who might not know much about hockey. Through the years I have talked to many people who don’t know a thing about hockey who just think hockey and hockey players are just a bunch of goons who drink beer, like to fight and party this is very untrue there’s a lot to the game that many people don’t know about so through my style of blog I tried to change that image. I felt like that coming from my perspective was extremely effective to my blog post because the viewer got an inside look at the tough lifestyle that hockey is. I also tried to keep it very light with my users attempting to keep them entertained with movies and how to even make your own backyard ice rink in the winter I think embracing my users in such ways helped the style of the blog and kept them interested in returning to read more blogs I was producing.


Being my first blog I believe it was pretty successful, I could have been better with a few of my posts but being a first timer I know what to do for next time I start a blog or continue with this one. I think some of my overall strengths of my blog were I gave some pretty in depth details of some hockey and situations I have been in with hockey. I would have to look back at my blog called “The Funnel” which is in in depth look at the hockey I played as a kid through juniors to college and the aspirations to play pro hockey after college. I give my viewers all details of these many years of my life struggling with hockey to having success and the grind of hockey. Some other strengths of my blog are some of the pictures I put in some in depth pictures of my life and some of NHL players a few of the pictures are pretty gruesome like the one of Andrew Shaw who took a puck to the face but with these pictures I felt like it could show viewers how passionate guys who play the game are. Overall there are a lot of strengths to my blogs but also have many weaknesses with the blog which I plan on fixing in the future.

With Ice Coled News I put out a lot of blogs strictly for my bloggers, I want to inform them and be interested in what they were reading. Making these blogs I think that my bloggers were very interested in what they were reading. I think that I truly informed my viewers with most of my blogs. With some of my blogs I think the bloggers could even get a laugh out of some of the material like my blog post called “list Of my Favorite Hockey Films” this one was more for the fun of my user to give them some great hockey classics to watch and to entertain them. I think my blogs could also come off ass intense for my bloggers some of the articles were pretty intense and could be shocking for my bloggers but that’s what I wanted to provide to them that intensity and fire I get from the game.

Starting off blogging I was very out of my element. I had no intentions of ever starting a blog in my life and didn’t think I would ever have a blog. When I first started blogging it was very basic I didn’t know how to insert pictures, put in hyperlinks or how to type a productive blog, My first blog was very basic had the bare minimums but it did produced a very good story really getting me into wanting to start my next blog. With being so intrigued with my first blog I wanted to make my next upcoming blogs better with this class I feel that every blog got better each one I produced. I learned a lot on how to blog each story I started putting in more stories and even learned how to do hyperlinks successfully after my first attempt was a hard fail. With doing so I feel that my blogging has improved tenfold and I am glad to be a blogger.


One of the most important realizations I have had about social media this year is how important social media is to society and how informal it can be. Before taking this class I was starting to fall out of social media I found myself starting to detach from social media, I had deleted my Facebook, twitter and snapchat account. After learning about some very influential people in society such as Ai Weiwei I realized that social media has become such a large part of society and there’s just more than keeping up with your friends. You can follow extremely influential people who are changing the world in such positive ways to see this through social media is amazing. I also learned how negative social media can be it can affect your mood drastically just by logging into a twitter or Facebook and easily be depressed, but it’s all in how you use Social Media but be careful someone is always watching.

I think one of my biggest challenges with Social Media this year was I didn’t know if I still wanted to be part of social media. Coming into this class I was having trouble still being part of Social Media why I signed up for the class at the time, I am not sure because of my look on social Media wasn’t the best. Also some of the topics we covered weren’t really my style because I am big into sports topics, I have never really worked on topics about the environment or covered social activists.

It wasn’t that hard to overcome these challenges in Social Media. I came in with a pretty clear head in to the class so accepting that I would have to be working with Social media I think helped me to get back into liking Social Media. Doing so I have become a very big fan of Social Media again and I use it in different ways then before view more outside of my world then what is going on in just my own life, it opened my eyes that Social media can be very positive and very informing. I also conquered the Social issues of things I don’t often look at like the #Rockscon. Live tweeting this conference was pretty fun I really enjoyed it and made me excited to learn about more issues and things we were going to cover in class.

I think one of my favorite blog posts would have to be my first post “The Funnel”. This was one of my favorite blogs because it was one that was truly from the heart. I didn’t hold back in this post and it was one of the most informative post I made so far on this blog. I also gave out a little shout out to one of my friends Dereck Angeli who is playing in the AHL right now and he loved it and read the whole blog. I plan on making more blogs like this in the future but with some of the guidelines with class I couldn’t make them with time requirements and assignments being due.


The Man, The Myth, The Legend” is by far my second favorite post. This blog was definitely my second favorite because Jaromir Jagr is one of my favorite hockey players so being able to do a post on him was awesome. Another reason I liked this post was it had a pretty funny start to it. I have other favorite blog posts and will continue to create more but these are by far my favorites.

I think one of my most effective tweets I had during Social Media was when we were watching never sorry. This was my most effective tweets because I found Ai Weiwei very interesting he said some very interesting views on government and life. This tweet was a quote from Ai Weiwei “I’m in a chess match against my opponents”. This was extremely interesting to me because he was voicing his opinion against the government and police out whiting them when they are trying to shut down his voice to the people. I thought Ai Weiwei is an amazing individual and large voice in Social media against the government so this is why this tweet was effective for me.


The most informative tweet I had was last week when we were watching about the lack of regulations the government has on watching your privacy on Social Media. This was one of my favorite films in class because it shows how closely Social media is watched. Your phone is always giving out information every app you download will give out information. Would you rather carry around your smart phone or would you rather carry around little spies in your pocket #nlcnotrack. I think this tweet really informed the people following me and made them think about using that little device we all love.

If I were to continue this blog 5 topics I would cover would be College hockey, I am currently playing college hockey so it would be easy to keep up with weekly rankings and scores. Another would be a few blogs about new upcoming prospects to the NHL every year I think that would be a good blog with some bios of each player maybe top 5 prospects for the next year to watch. Also I wanted to do one on a few great hockey reads like through the fire by Theo Fleury and eleven seconds two amazing hockey books. It is hard to say what my other posts would be right now but it wouldn’t be hard to find more hockey to write about especially since I have such a love for the game.

One of my worst blogs that I could have done better on was my hockey films blog. It was not my best blog but we had an assignment to where I could go and correct a blog. With this opportunity I went back and realized I made a lot of mistakes on this blog and left out a lot of influential hockey movies, this was one of my favorite assignments in Social Media because if we haven’t had been assigned it I would have noticed all the mistakes I made on the assignment.

Overall I am happy that I was given the opportunity to run my own blog with my own concepts. I had a great time doing so and learned a lot, I haven’t decided if I will keep making blogs for this blog yet. If I do I will have the necessities to do so with all that I have learned.

Tis The Season

It is officially winter the snow is falling the temperature is dropping with such a wonderful time being around your family make sure you take advantage of it, don’t just sit indoors and play video games with your kids or friends when your back home for Christmas get out on the pond. This is the best season for pond hockey the lakes/ponds are slowly starting to freeze over and this is the perfect time to grab your stick and skates and shovel. Plow off that fresh snow and reveal the perfect hockey surface from Mother Nature black ice.

on the pond

I have some of my best memories growing up on a lake or pond playing through all hours of the night with my friends, are parents wanting us to come home for dinner so we rush to play one more quick game of 3v3, or getting out of class and heading straight to the pond with my friends right after class to dig are skates into the ice for an hour before we had to go to practice. It can bring your family and friends closer bonding over something that you don’t have to make just shovel a rink bring a net and your gear and enjoy the memories to come.


If you don’t have the opportunity of living around a lake or pond you are not out of options either for the holidays. Making your own ice isn’t rocket size it just takes an open space “Backyard” and a hose. If you have some time on that first snow fall flood your backyard for your kids so they have an oasis every night after school that you can enjoy with them or just play on with your buddies.

making a pond






This blog is a little out of the norm for me seeing as most of my posts will be about hockey, but I had the opportunity to read a blog about my friend and classmate Liz White. As this blog being out of the norm so is her situation in her dealings with DACA, “DACA is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an American immigration policy that allows certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation”.


First I will give you a little background on the issue Liz has to deal with this situation in a different way then most, she is an American with full citizenship but her friend/husband Young is not unfortunately. I had the amazing opportunity to read through all of her blog posts and was informed on many things that most American’s may not think about but is an issue for many residents in the US who do not have citizenship. I learned many things about DACA and was informed thoroughly commenting on each of her posts she also made the time to comment back and answer all of my questions.

This is a little different for me because I usually don’t find to many things that interest me besides sports but with these blogs and Liz’s outlook on being a part of such an intense situation it really draws you in and makes you want to read the next blog. I think it relates to my blogs this way seeing as most of my blogs are on hand experiences and so are Liz’s which is extremely cool because she and her partner deal with this everyday.


With reading “In Love with an Illegal” I have seen true art form in a blog. These blogs are written extremely well and are hyper linked with information for the reader to explore topics and better understand the situation of DACA. In Love With An Illegal also has many picture and videos for the reader to watch its a great blog and very informative. If you have time check out the blog it will inform you on issues you may have never thought about.


The Greatest Sport on Earth

There will always be the question of what is the best sport on earth? Soccer is the world’s game, Baseball is America’s pastime, football is Americas sport but hockey truly is the greater then them all. I have debated with many of my friends some who play basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse the list goes on most say what they play is the best which I completely respect but in my opinion they clearly don’t know what they’re talking about. In this blog I will break down the inner workings of why hockey is better than every other sport “my opinion of course”.

Lord Stanley

Yes I am talking about the trophy that is not like any other trophy you can win in sports just as unique as hockey is it would only be fitting that the cup is a history book itself with the blood sweat and tears written all over it. If you are fortunate enough to hoist that 35.25 inch tall 34.5 pound holy grail at the end of the season it’s not just a memory that will fade next season you get to have your name on that trophy forever with the names of the brothers, coaches, management and staff. The personal day might just be the coolest thing in the world. Each player of the winning team gets the cup for one day 24 hours to do with it what he pleases, be with your family, friends, party with it even have a drink with it 24 hours of knowing your one of the best, but treat it right it has been known to hold 54 year curses.

lord stanley

Lord Stanley Cup

The Playoff System

NHL playoffs are the most grueling of all sports argue how you want but that’s just point blank the truth. In order to become champion you have to make it through four rounds of the most intense back breaking physical play you could imagine for a best of seven series in each round, after the ruthless seven moth regular season you just played. There is no stopping and there are no breaks only 28 games to prove you deserve to hold the cup, good luck finding another sport that requires that much devotion.


A test of character

Warrior’s with passion

Not to knock any other sport but hockey’s about pure toughness. I have watched other sports to see a guy come out of a game who’s being paid millions of dollars for a minor bump or scratch, not with hockey because it’s about the passion to mentally stand in front of a eighty to hundred mile per hour slap shot and wear one for the boys yes it might leave a huge bruise, a few stitches, couple broken teeth or broken foot but knowing you could have saved a goal as you limp back to the bench and your team mates tell you hell of a block shot kid is better than letting that puck in. In hockey playing injured is a thing or your spot can be taken by the next guy looking for a shot to prove himself and hockey players aren’t scared to its seen at least once a season a guy gets some sort of hit to the face is bleeding go gets stitches and be back out there battling like it never happened. I have had my fair share of stitches and black eyes and broken teeth does it feel good absolutely not, is it expensive extremely ask my mom about the $5000 dollars in medical bills I had to pay in Canada for stitches and dentists visits playing juniors but worth every second because celebrating with gauze or an ice pack on your leg with your teammates is better than losing a hockey game. It’s just the nature of the sport hell if you don’t think that’s respectable I don’t know what is.


Andrew Shaw after winning the 2006 Stanley cup Finals after beating the Bruins 3-2

Team sport

Hockey is played on ice making the game extremely fast with little time to think just react and make plays, its high tempo back and forth, the game is controlled by the players they choose the pace, hockey is talent agility finesse and controlled aggression all in one with a group of guy striving together for a common goal. You can’t win without your teammates in hockey you can have all stars yes every sport has all stars but if that 25 man roster doesn’t show up together chance of you having a successful season in hockey is very unlikely. With those guys you play with their is a different type of bond you become more than friends you become brothers those guys will be there for you at your best and worst and will be friends for life.


Bob Johnson “Its a great day for hockey”

The man, the myth, the legend

If your parents grew up watching hockey they know this guy if you’re a kid or middle aged male today who watches the NHL you love this guy the man I am speaking of is Jaromir Jagr. He is one of the greatest of all time the only difference between him and other greats that have been inducted into the hall of fame at his age is he is still playing the game at the highest level in the NHL at 43 years of age and this man still tears it up. Last year alone the man led the Florida Panthers in scoring. He is an absolute specimen I know at 43 tears old I definitely won’t be able to play the game I love at the highest level possible all be just struggling to play in a men’s pick up league at my local gym. I am a frequent watch of hockey I rarely miss a game and if I do I always watch the highlights the nights Florida plays Jaromir Jagr is always on the highlight reel either making a play happen or scoring a sick goal. This year Jagr has been in the headlines a little more than normal with his office antics he recently slept with an 18 year old check model who tried to blackmail him for 50,000 Czech dollars saying if he didn’t pay she would publish them. He responded with I don’t care so she did in hindsight Jagr did nothing wrong being recently divorced he was just happen to fall in bed with a way younger woman but I think if you ask any 43 year old male at that age who wouldn’t want that. He also has a very strikingly funny interview in the preseason with asking players who their favorite player was, Jagrs answer was “my favorite player is Jaromir Jagr” you have to love that if you play that long and are still in the show all respect that answer any day of the week.jagr_jaromir

But with all the joking aside what people don’t see that is truly amazing it’s not that Jaromir Jagr is the most talented guy on the ice still this isn’t the case he’s still a very skilled players but there are younger and better but the thing is his mentality to out work you is amazing. If you watch a Florida panthers game just watch every shift of Jagrs he out works every player on the ice he hustles everywhere battles in the corners and creates the best opportunities to score and make plays for his teammates. The Florida Panthers missed playoffs last year and after their last game everyone packed up their stuff arena was empty and as the team left the rink there was Jagr working on the ice with one of their strength coaches getting hacked and slashed working on getting to the net. I can’t wait tell Jaromir Jagr makes it to the Hall of fame he’s a true inspiration.

List of my Favorite Hockey films

  1. I have to start off with is Young blood with Rob Lowe and Patrick Swayze. This is a great hockey story because it is about a young kid coming to junior hockey trying to fit in with the Veteran players. They hackle him give him tons of flack but ends up coming around and they all come together as a team. It also shows some pretty funny parts like living with a billet mom and the weird aspect of having a hot billet mom which some of my friends have had. Juniors is a weird time for any young man but it is also a blast this film definitely portrays it.


2. Of Miracles and men is followed up as my second this is a documentary of the Soviet National team at the peak of their domination of hockey and what they had to go through as being one of the best teams ever. Many people know of the movie miracle and how the United States finally beat the over powering Russian power house we called the Soviet Union at the time but watching from the other aspect of the globe the Russian players side most of them have never even heard of the movie miracle. It also show a lot of interesting things like if you wanted to play hockey you also had to serve in the military and at the time of having some of the best players in the world weren’t allowed to leave Russia to play in the NHL it’s a must watch.


3. Slapshot one of the best hockey comedy’s on the market it is an older film but ive seen it over 50 times. It’s about the Charlestown Chiefs and the town of Charlestown. I think this one is funny because it shows old time hockey and the grind of minor league hockey in a comedy aspect it’s a classic if you haven’t seen it give it a shot.


4. Miracle I absolutely love it is one of my favorite movies period. If your American and don’t like the movie miracle you should probably move to another country. Portraying Herb brooks and the 1980 US Men’s Olympic hockey team that beat the Soviet Union and took Gold? Come on movie speaks for its self.

A few movies that should get mentions First would be the Mighty Ducks from 1992-1996 Disney string together some of the best kids hockey films in history making famous the Ducks, these are great goofy kids films but good humor for young adults.


The last but not least would be mystery Alaska which is an amazing movie that is very unrealistic with the plot line with the new York rangers playing one of the best Alaskan Pond hockey team called mystery Alaska. Its a great film about family, friends, and hockey if you get a chance check it out.




Blog Ideas

Hockey Facts

Junior hockey life

Choosing the right stick curve

Top fantasy hockey players

Hockey movies

Hockey books

College hockey

College hockey rankings

Top ten picks in the NHL draft this year

Preferences on hockey gear

If there is anything you would like to hear about on this blog feel free to tell me about it, I am willing to blog about anything hockey related and enjoy the feed back thanks for reading.

The Funnel

As a kid you’re parents tell you that you can be anything you want. If you’re a kid who grew up playing hockey from a young age you probably only dreamed of two things, getting a shot to play pro hockey and winning the Stanley cup which is the trophy that most trophy’s dream to be. The one thing that you won’t hear is that if you attempt to pursue this dream it is a funnel. When I say a funnel I mean like the type you would use to put oil in your car but instead flipped upside down and you can’t flow to the top you have to scratch and claw your way up the funnel battling out other individuals for a job some that are your best friends. If you can do this in the long run the road will be totally worth it. I have played hockey since I was 4 years old it has given me many opportunities in life. At 16 years old is when I first learned that hockey was truly a funnel. I had my first tryout for triple A (AAA is the elite hockey league for kids my age not including Minnesota high school hockey) it came down to three spots in the last day of tryouts after the game I headed to the coaches office to get the word if I had made it or not I was extremely nervous hands were sweaty I was shaking as I stared and Coach Huckins he was happy with my play and I got a spot I waited for one of my good friends who was after me to see if he made it, he unfortunately didn’t play well enough to make the team and resented me for making it we soon lost friendship over this and I realized that this is where the funnel began. After a two or more stent in AAA I signed to the NAHL with the Janesville Jets which was a huge deal. I came into main camp a little cocky and truly lost how much the game meant to me, I was cut at the end of main camp I will always remember that conversation with that coach “Darius you didn’t show us how well you can play it doesn’t even look like you want be here” That isn’t what hurt the most I didn’t even like the town, I hated their rink and it wasn’t a good fit for me. What hurt the most was my dream was at an end I went back home to disappointment having to tell my mom I pissed it all away and the feeling of falling out of the funnel of hockey is what hurt the most, I couldn’t compete anymore when my friends would be giving it all they could in stadiums sold out with fans in small town who will beg to get an autograph from an 18 year old meanwhile I will be working back home. A week later I got a call from Doug Johnson to come play in the SJHL (Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League)

My second year with the Hawks after scoring a goal.

My second year with the Hawks after scoring a goal.

I spent the next two years up north in Canada realizing that at this level hockey is a business, if you don’t show up every night know your roll and work your ass off you’ll be packing your bags either getting traded or cut. Hockey is a man’s game played by men who are little kids at heart and if you’re not willing to sweat, fight and bleed the game in juniors there’s no place for you in the game. After Juniors I was offered to play in College for Seamus Gregory I had the opportunity to play college hockey and still have the opportunity to this day being my senior year and pro hockey on the horizon I will always remember that hockey is a funnel the higher you get up the smaller the opportunity.

This is dedicated to my good friend Darik T Angeli who just finished at the university of Ohio. He is pursuing his Dreams of playing in the NHL and is currently playing preseason games for the Florida Panthers.ohio